Website of the year 27 January 2010
It is without a doubt much more capable at providing readers with more information, with an inclusive process. This means it treats the audience with a privileged position. For example, you can register, sign in, immediately upload your CV for job vacancies and can gain access to frequently updated news articles by a click of the mouse.
The Guardian website has developed a close business-partner relationship with Apple; at the top of the homepage, where the prominent articles belong, is a link to a video of the launch of the new 'iPad' - not to be mistaken for the iPod. Also, users of the iPhone have the privilege of streaming news fresh from the site onto their phone, thus reaching out to a whole new audience. They are converging, by doing this they are diversifying so they produce and distribute across several media, in this case - the mobile phone - which is the most widely-used handheld gadget on the planet.
The Guardian online gives the audience the options of exclusive categories; blogs, video, community and jobs. This gives the audience a chance to express themselves and write articles on a forum, handing out links to their blogs, watching videos and a job search. These jobs range from Art and Heritage jobs to Marketing and PR jobs.
This gives a great sense of community and togetherness.
With the Internet dominating the newspapers, as it has much more to offer, and news which is updated regularly, (looking at it now, the last update was less then a minute ago) it looks as if in the near future newspapers will find no other alliterative but to conform to the change in media. In this lifetime, we may see the collapse of the newspaper industry and the Internet being home to thousands of news feeds.